The Unseen Depths

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The Unseen Depths is a realm unto itself, adjacent to the mortal plane. It is an outlandish and nightmarish place, and doubles as the birthing grounds of Unspeakable Horrors i.webpUnspeakable Horrors. While seemingly nothing more than a ransacked, endlessly stretching land, the Unseen Depths is actually an entity unto itself. Under its presence and eldritch influence, Unspeakable Horrors are given instinctive purpose. Though separate from the mortal realm, rifts will occasionally sprout open between the two planes, unlocked through meddling with the Elder God i.webpOld Gods. These rifts are what allow Unspeakable Horrors access to the mortal realm.

Though the Unseen Depths holds some connection with the Old Gods, the details of such relationships are currently unknown...