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The term Untamed is used by the so called civilized to describe those living outside conventional society. This appellation is applied to both sentient beings and mysterious creatures still roaming uncharted territory. Among the ones referred to as Untamed, the Akka tribes are the most noteworthy. Despite their primitive way of life, this ancestral race has managed to hold its territory and unique culture in a world dominated by humans. Their way of life has made them close to nature and dedicated to seeking both mastery in their vocation and balance in the world.

Akkas believe that their life is a gift of the nature spirits and that when they die what was given returns to nature stronger than before, nurtured by the life experiences acquired by the deceased. They have sacred death rites that differ depending on the vocation of the fallen Akka:

For hunters, their skulls are used in parts or in their entirety to craft and enhance weapons that are passed on from generation to generation. It is believed that fallen Akkas infused into these weapons guide the hand of their wielder and share part of the strength they possessed in life with their new master.

As for the druids and shamans, instead their masks are inserted into sacred family trees, imbuing them with a strong spiritual affinity. In some cases, trees with the masks of many shamans or powerful ones are awakened to sentient life by nature's spirits, called into action by the remains of the deceased. In rare cases some of these awakened trees can walk around and protect the tribes that worship them.