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"At last, the Apostle of Deliverance will bear witness no more. Creating a world without suffering, devoid of sentient life."


An-Ansgaidh is the bane of every living thing. He is the most compassionate of the Elder God i.webpOld Gods, he could not bear witness to the hardships and sufferings of mortal beings over the length of their fragile existence. His twisted empathy mutated into hatred directed towards mortality. No longer would he stand idle while mortals struggled to survive until time deigned to bring an end to their fruitless lives. He would be there instead, rending their flesh and mercifully freeing those poor souls.

Boasting an almost immaterial appearance with his silky white skin, his humanoid shape is a ghastly sight. His two elongated arms end with abnormally large claws, soaked in blood up to his forearms. His head is empty of features, save for a crudely painted eye. The flesh of his stomach is torn open, arms reaching out of it to grasp for something unknown.


Heretics i.webpCults devoted to the Apostle of Deliverance have adopted his twisted vision. His followers have their sights on the extinction of sentient life, and as such they are fearsome warriors. Acts of faith for An-Ansgaidh are of the murdery kind. Killing rewards more devotion, but so does sacrificing Follower i.webpfollowers and “setting free” the godless instead of converting them. Being faithful to this old god also means that death is sacred and liberated souls are to be left untouched. No necromancy ritual is available and resurrecting allied cultists is to be punished. An-Ansgaidh is the deity with the vastest choice of offensive rituals, which can make your cult a force to be reckoned with.


  • Unlike the other gods, An-Ansgaidh's name was inspired by a preexisting language (Old Gaelic)
  • During development, the developers found An-Ansgaidh's name too difficult to pronounce all the time, so they nicknamed him Johanne.
