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This hulking mass of a man is trained to do the Church i.webpLast Church's dirty work: Torturing poor souls in the inquisition's dungeon, setting up the stakes to burn members of the Coven i.webpCoven and wielding the axe when a beheading is in order. Even the church believers are not comfortable in the cold presence of executioners. Some believe they are more machine than human: methodic, efficient, and emotionless. This could not be further from the truth. As they cleave necks with their axe and rend flesh with their tools, under their hood lies a sadistic smile.


Heretics i.webpHeretics should not take lightly an encounter with a church executioner. Even if their speed is hindered by their sheer mass and heavy axe, they are formidable opponents. With overwhelming strength and the reach of their weapon, they can extinguish the life of many Follower i.webpfollowers in one fell swoop! Look out for their telegraphed attacks and seize your chance if their axe gets stuck somewhere (or in someone) after a strike.