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"With this unfathomable amount of knowledge, if the world is a battlefield, then her mind is the most potent army."


Knowledge is everything to Kessessa, as it provides insight on the laws of the world. As such, it is only natural that the Old God felt something close to empathy and anger when witnessing the hardships of those who strived for such wisdom. Persecuted and killed by the Church i.webp Inquisition for the sin of trying to learn medicine, science, and anything else that would help humanity emerge from a dark age. On the brink of extinction, these apothecaries, scholars, and alchemists turned to the knowledge of the Elder God i.webpOld Gods. They did not have to dig deep before hearing the soothing whispers of of Kessessa, who brought the means to defend themselves and their research. Thus was born the Coven i.webpCoven, the beginning of Kessessa's influence on the mortal realm.


Being a goddess of knowledge, those who serve Kessessa benefit greatly from aiding her in her research. Followers are rewarded for collecting various specimens, including elusive materials, Unspeakable Horrors i.webpUnspeakable Horrors, and sapient creatures like the Untamed i.webpUntamed. Heretics i.webpFollowers of Kessessa also grow stronger against Unspeakable Horrors they've already defeated in the past. In addition to the classic blood rituals, cultists will also receive the ability to cast plagues upon their enemies, or even to mutate Follower i.webptheir own ranks.


  • Kessessa was originally created with help from the community. Together, fans made and voted on her lore, physical appearance, playstyle, and cultist and follower skins.
  • The name "Kessessa" is a word-play of the French sentence "Qu'est-ce que c'est que ça?" meaning "What is this?" referencing her curiosity.
