Spawn of Hubryus

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Six legged aberrations that are said to have been made this way by the Hubryus Emote.pngSower of Insanity himself. Nobody has confirmed the existence of such creatures in the mortal realm, most likely due to how deadly they are when encountered. Few know the name they were given but among the Cultist i.webpcultists and Follower i.webpfollowers who do, the affiliation of these nightmarish creatures with Hubryus is questioned. Especially by those serving this eldritch god whose lives are ended, crushed by their maw.


Encountering Spawns of Hubryus while you explore the world might prove problematic if you aren’t prepared for it. These abominations are fast with their six insectoid legs, so they are hard to shake off. They tend to go for easy preys, so the more Follower i.webpfollowers you have with you, the better your chances of survival. Be wary of their tail, they will use it to sweep many assailants at once. Their origin makes them naturally resistant to some ritual effects, which means they are hard to take down with the powers of your Elder God i.webpgod alone. Nothing a good old mob of followers cannot solve!