Angels of Salithys

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"The only truth he could comprehend was that whatever he was looking at couldn’t be called an angel, or in any way be associated with the concept of 'good'."


The Angels of Salithys are the Church i.webpLast Church's holy symbols, and the daughters of Salithys Emote.pngSalithys, born from her cut-off head. They decieve the Last Church into believing in their holy power through glamours that hide their true, eldritch forms. Only two of the Angels, Nobilia, Angel of Obedience and Valhyni, Angel of Mending, are currently at the helm of the Church. The other two, Mythris, Angel of Punishment, and Jallastia, Angel of Reverie, are thought to be in the possession of the Untamed i.webpUntamed and Coven i.webpCoven respectively.

Angels are integral to the Last Church's identity, influence and culture. Despite the Shattered Goddess being the entity worshipped by the church, her angels are beloved by both the masses of faithful and the clergy. The existence of the angels helped the establishment and growth of the Last Church, leaving no ambiguity regarding the existence of their beloved Goddess and the aid she offers to her faithful. The Goddess’ Angels are often depicted in church architecture and art as well as in some villages under church rule. The Angels currently with the Last Church periodically give blood to Church higher-ups, which is crafted into insence that grants occult power. In some rare events held by the church, the angels have ventured out the their enclave to perform miracles witnessed by the populace. This includes things such as healing believers on their deathbed and converting violent criminals into obedient church servants. They are seen as the envoys and the voice of the Shattered Goddess by her devoted, but other factions see them in a very different light.

Angels aren’t what the church assume them to be and the purpose they hold for their progenitor goes beyond what has been achieved so far with the establishment of the Last Church. Salithys wishes to regain possession of her four children and is using the church under her influence to make it happen despite the limitations of her own presence in the mortal realm. To what end does she need these eldritch demigods to congregate? Only mad heretics that are willing to worship Salithys’ true nature may walk the path towards the answer.