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"Behind curtains of deceit, under the guise of a false idol she pulls strings that move entire nations."


In times long forgotten, Salithys was worshipped as the bountiful goddess of beauty. Aware of humanity's ignorance and fear of the unknown, this otherwordly being of immeasurable intellect and might knew exactly how to use their malleable minds. When the mortal realm collapsed, the Elder God i.webpOld Gods faded from human minds. Faith in Salithys was the last to be abandoned, because she did not rule by terror like the other gods. Just as she had planned, this gave her time to weave a string linking her to the mortal realm. Several centuries later, nurtured by artful manipulation and patience, her string became a web of lies. A feeling of fulfillment embraced the Deceit Weaver as she watched her faithful servants, clad in white and gold, preaching the false idol she created: the Shattered Goddess of the Church i.webpLast Church.


When you Worship Salithys, you willingly become the most important pawn in her intricate plan. As a reward, you get to lead the only Heretics i.webpcult that knows and embraces the true nature of the manipulative old god. Using Follower i.webpfollowers as your own puppets rewards more devotion when they complete meaningful tasks for you. Obeying the whispers of Salithys also offers more rewards than other deities. Additionally, worshiping the Deceit Weaver makes the Last Church less of a menace and sometimes even allies, when deemed necessary. This has the effect of making the Coven i.webpCoven particularly heinous and dangerous for your cult. While she prefers resorting to deceit and cunning, Salithys has plenty of powerful rituals to offer her faithful. Mind control, powerful healing, and even resurrecting the dead are among her rituals of choice. Injury and death are no reason to escape her rule.
