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"Little did Ulmira know that the true price she was about to pay was viciously omitted by the god she bowed to."


Ulmira is an Eye of the Sanctum. Her daughter, Eleanor, was born sickly and weak, and Ulmira and her husband realized she would not live past her first few years. Ulmira's husband joined the Church i.webpThe Last Church, hoping for a miracle to save their daughter. But her husband was corrupted by power, and soon, Ulmira resolved to infiltrate the Sanctum herself, and plead the Salithys Emote.png Shattered Goddess for help. When she discovered the Goddess was not who she seemed to be, Ulmira struck a deal with her, and became an Eye of the Sanctum.


Few know of the heartaches brought by the birth of a frail and sickly child. After bringing a new and so very precious life into the world, Ulmira and her husband were confronted to a ruthless reality: their daughter, Eleanor, would not live through her first few years. As proud nobles from a distinguished family, they pulled all the strings they could to change the fate of their newborn. Alas, none of the prayers and remedies helped to improve Eleanor’s condition. Bound by motherly love and despair, Ulmira turned her eyes towards the Last Church and its Goddess. She had seen the public gospel and heard of the miracles bestowed by the angels. Her skepticism and logical nature were stifled by the gravity of the situation. Ulmira devised a plan with her husband, for him to join the ranks of the Last Church. Aided by their vast wealth, he was set to gain influence quickly within the clergy and climbs the ranks in the hope of obtaining the means to save Eleanor.

As time passed, the heart of the noble was easily swayed by the cesspool of power and greed oozing from the Last Church. Eleanor’s health deteriorated while Ulmira’s plan was held hostage by the whims of the man she once loved. Her husband be damned, she would not stay idle while her child was dying. Thorough planning, bribes and hiring individuals possessing unsavoury skills led up to the fateful night. Under cover of shadows, Ulmira infiltrated the hidden sanctums of the Last Church. She found not the miracle remedy she was looking for, instead, something far more sinister: the true face of the Shattered Goddess. Deep below the cathedral, the Deceit Weaver saw an opportunity in this meddlesome mortal full of resolve. A deal was struck.

The moonlight shined softly on Eleanor’s face as Ulmira watched over her. The end of her sorrow was nigh. Clenched in her fist, a vial of angel blood. In exchange, Her corrupt husband was about to be fed to untold horrors and she vowed to become the pawn of some unholy god. A small price to pay for getting to see Eleanor live past her infancy. Little did Ulmira know that the true price she was about to pay was viciously omitted by the god she bowed to.