Old Gods

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The Old Gods are immortal entities that dwell within the Unseen Depths. Long ago, all of humanity worshipped them, until their influence tore a hole in reality and allowed Unspeakable Horrors i.webpUnspeakable Horrors to spill into the mortal realm. In the ensuing battle, the Old Gods were forgotten, their influence nearly erased. Now, Heretics i.webp outcasts among mortals are once again offering their unadulterated faith for but a glimpse of their eldritch power. As slivers of this misplaced devotion crawls in between the worlds and reaches the Old Gods, they recognize an opportunity to rise once again. Now their intent is set on the mortal realm, waiting to be summoned by those foolish enough to worship them.

The Old Gods

Hubryus.png An-An.png Salithys.png
Glub.png Kessessa.png