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"As an eerie cackling filled the air as the proud guardian heard her words for the first time. She spoke in an unknown tongue and yet he understood everything. He wasn’t a champion of the pure, but instead nothing more than a slave of the horror holding the strings."


Kerchacht is an Eye of the Sanctum. He was the eldest child of a large family, and possessed great strength and charisma from a young age. He joined the Church i.webpLast Church and shot through its ranks, but when he was denied the ascension rite, he forced himself into the Sanctum and came face-to-face with Salithys Emote.pngSalithys, becoming an Eye of the Sanctum in that moment.


Kerchacht was always a defender of the weak. Eldest child of a large family, the man rapidly learned what it meant to be a champion. His father always pushed him to use his impressive physique and unparalleled charisma for the benefit of the weak, no matter the challenge. Over the years he would become known as an unstoppable force of good, albeit some would say he was a bit too righteous for his own good, it was impossible to deny that Kerchacht was meant for a great purpose.

Once the Church rolled in town he was one of the first to volunteer, once again, the Guardian's might quickly got noticed by the higher ups. He rose up the ranks in a matter of a few months, hailed as the champion of the Church, the one who would banish evil, sword in hand. A force to be reckoned with, one so mighty that even the Eyes of the Sanctum felt unease at the idea of ever being on his warpath.

After a particularly bloody campaign against the savages known as the Untamed i.webpUntamed, Kerchacht eagerly awaited to be part of the ascension rite, one of the greatest honors one could achieve in service of the Last Church. Only the purest and brightest had the honor of joining the angels in communion within the inner sanctums of the Church, it made sense that he would eventually join the chosen. Alas, this was not meant to be, word of his refusal was received like a dagger into his heart. Had he not done enough? His whole life was dedicated to being virtuous, to the protection of the weak, Kerchacht had earned that right. He demanded answers, if the Eyes of the Sanctum could not see his worth, they could not be trusted anymore, he would only speak to the Goddess herself. Sword in hand, the Champion pushed past Veredict the Ancient and made his way deep within the Church’s holy sanctum. There, he came face to face with the dark truth of his faith, an unholy abomination welcoming him where the Shattered Goddess should've stood. As an eerie cackling filled the air as the proud guardian heard her words for the first time. She spoke in an unknown tongue and yet he understood everything. He wasn’t a champion of the pure, but instead nothing more than a slave of the horror holding the strings.

If even he, the mighty Kerchacht had been played for a fool, what else was there to do? He always blindly followed the twisted concept of good sanctioned by the church, unknowingly playing in the palm of the Deceit Weaver. His virtue was tarnished by each and every action he committed under his misguided faith. He would keep his mouth shut, in exchange no one would have to know that he had been desecrated, sullied, ruined. As death at the hands of the behemoth no longer seemed likely, the Eyes of the Sanctum sighed in relief, welcoming him in their ranks.